Patient Preparation for Telehealth Visit
We are excited to offer you another option to compliment direct Physical Therapy care in helping you find the best way to optimize your physical health and quality of life during this time. This form is designed to help you prepare in advance of your Physical Therapy Telehealth visit in order to optimize our time together. Below you will find guidance in 3 sections to help you find the right environment, focus, and mindset to achieve the best results from the visit.
SECTION I: Environmental Preparations
SECTION II: Content Preparations
SECTION III: Mindset Preparations
SECTION I: Environmental Preparations
(Set Up)
- Consider a room or area that affords you a privacy level you are comfortable with and minimal distractions.
- You can use any device that supports videoconferencing. We will send you an invite through doxy.me. You do not have to download anything. This platform of videoconferencing is HIPPA compliant.
- doxy.me suggests that you use Google Chrome or Firefox for best web browsing efficiency. Others have used Safari without difficulty.
- The room/floor space should allow you enough room to move around freely and exercise.
- Consider how you will position your device to allow your therapist to observe and evaluate how you are moving/exercising.
- Laptops or desktops with cameras/microphones have the best capacity and video If you would like to move around to different areas of your home, a laptop works best.
- Lighting: should be in front of the device shining on you vs behind you (ie., window). Shadows may make it harder to see specific regions of the body, so front lighting is ideal.
- Please spend some time identifying your goals, whether you have been having any symptoms, and what specific activities you are having trouble with. We have the opportunity to see you in your home environment and truly replicate and give guidance to those activities – let’s take advantage of it!
- Have any equipment that you use to exercise, or that has been given to you for your home exercises readily available for us to view and evaluate.
- Have any desks, chairs, beds, ready for us to evaluate and determine if they can be modified if contributing to your symptoms. If you think our session might take us around your home, have a few areas in mind where you can place your laptop or device.
- Consider wearing flexible clothing like you normally wear during your treatments in the clinic. It should allow you to move freely, while at the same time, allow for visual access to your areas of concern.
- All patients, male and female, need to ensure the therapist can visually observe the area of your body that is symptomatic or contributing to your symptoms. Please chose your clothing appropriately, allowing us to observe alignment and position. NOTE: Baggy clothing or clothing that excessively covers the trunk may not provide an optimum visual assessment. At all times, however, only present yourself in a manner in which you feel is appropriate and comfortable. At no point will the session be recorded on our end.
- Consider either being barefoot or determine prior to our session which shoes you may be wearing while exercising. Consider what type of flooring you will be standing on for firmness and traction. You may want to have a yoga mat option.
SECTION II: Content Preparations
NOTE: A goal is best established in light of the follow up question: “How would I know if I achieved my goal?” It is not simply the elimination of symptoms, but also the ability to move or function more freely, more independently, to sleep more restfully, to not feel distracted by your symptoms.
Session Goals:
Identify your top 2-3 priorities for your session. The following list is a suggested guide:
- A. Pain or Symptom relief: Your therapist may guide you through questions that are a bit more extensive in description/detail in order to best understand your concerns without being able to physically touch the problem.
- Exercise progression.
- Posture/Movement education (body mechanics, ergonomics, activity based problems).
- Mobility/Flexibility.
- Relaxation/Strategies to promote rest into an area of discomfort and the use of breathing and Awareness exercises.
- Other:
Know that it may take longer than you expect to address each issue within our virtual session. We will prioritize your goals at the beginning and pace ourselves to address each goal.
SECTION III: Mindset Preparations
If you have issues or burdens that you believe are important to discuss with your PT feel free to initiate those discussions. We understand that during these challenging and emotional times you may need to share some of your challenges. Speaking with someone who is willing to listen and offer a non-judgmental, but discerning point of view, can help with healing and perspective. As such, please feel free to share as much as you feel comfortable with at the opening and/or closing of each session. These are rich ways in which we can stay connected. Examples include:
- Sharing a challenging moment in the week or day.
- Sharing a nice win.
- Sharing a perspective that has helped you or your family.
- Sharing a family saying, a pearl of wisdom, a spiritual.
Thank you for taking the time to help us support you!
The Team at Kabat & Associates Physical Therapy